I have given up trying to blend in. It is impossible. First, none of us look remotely Armenian - they tend to be thin, olive skinned, dark eyed and extremely well dressed. The women teeter on 3-4 inch -spiked-heels-with-pointy-toes boots even when it is icy. Boots/shoes match the outfit perfectly. Armenians wear nice clothes and uncomfortable shoes while commuting; then change into comfy shoes at work. Children don't have ripped clothes or holes in their jeans (that would be Austin who is on a quest to destroy or stain every single piece of clothing that he has).
My office mate, Liana, says that if I were to not wear a backpack, then perhaps I could pass as European. I have given up the backpack, but started wearing tennis shoes.
Here you go to the store, point/motion/talk to a saleslady behind the counter and they get you what you want. It is quite civilized compared to HEB on a Sunday afternoon.
Most everyone knows Armenian and Russian. Imagine learning 2 languages and alphabets while in elemetary school and being fluent in both. My colleagues also know English and usually another language or two.
I am teaching my new friends key American-English phrases: my Russian teacher Larissa likes "couch potato" and introduced it to her colleagues so now many Armenian children will incorporate that phrase into their English lexicon.
I am attaching a picture of Austin performing in his pre-school Easter musical. It has nothing to do with this subject, but hey, I am a proud mom.
1 comment:
you look so american
from grace
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