These are pictures of Armine and me, a chuch and Austin at school with his teacher. These pictures were taken all over the place. they were not taken on the same day. the church was very pretty inside. Hope you like these pictures!!!
we are having lots of fun.
Hi M, CR and A-
I love your postings. They are awesome. I love the pictures and the descriptions. Great job. Please teach Cole how to enter a blog note. I'd love to hear from him too. Austin you are soooo cute. Cole Ryan - it looks like you guys area experts of climbing on snow.
Love always- Daddy
Hi everyone,
The photos great! We love seeing them and hearing about what's going on over there. We are fine here. All of our snow melted and Josh is envious that you have all of that great snow to play in over there.
Lori - Melissa and I are going to see Leslie in May. We will make sure to write a great email to you when we are all together.
Hi everyone,
I love reading all about Armenia. Lisa, Gabriel and Anthony are here this weekend. We miss you all. Lisa and I realized that we haven't heard anything about violin lessons, what is going on this that?
Post more soon.
we love you all,
Aunt Christy, Aunt Lisa, Gabriel and Anthony
P.S. Gabriel wants to know if you throw snowballs.
i misssss youuuuu sooooo muchhhhhh i wish was there with you
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